Services Selection Board (SSB)
Services Selection Board (SSB), is the Personality and Intelligence Interview spread over 5 days which scientifically analyses each candidate’s potential and compatibility for commission into the Armed Forces of India.
The location of Services Selection Boards are as under:
1) Army and Navy
- Allahabad(Army and Navy)
- Bhopal(Army and Navy)
- Bangalore(Army and Navy)
- Coimbatore(Only Navy)
- Dehradun
- Varanasi
- Mysore
Each selection center consists of three to four Services Selection Boards. You may be asked to appear at one of these centers.
The aim of writing this book is to give knowledge to all aspiring students about the procedure at the Service Selection Boards. This book will help you in understanding the tests and process, and facing the interview with complete preparation with, greater confidence.
The duration of SSB Interview is of four days. You will be required to undergo thirteen test during these four days. The thirteen tests are as under:
1) Psychological tests
- Tests of Reasoning verbal
- Tests of Reasoning non – verbal
- Word Association test
- Thematic Apperception test
- Situation Reaction test
- Personal Appraisal test
1) Group Testing Officer’s Test (GTO’s Tests)

Note: Break down of out-door tests are as under:
(a) Progressive group task
(b) Inter – group obstacles race
(c) Half – group task
(d) Individual obstacles
(e) Command task
(f) Final group task